Categories: Dental Anxiety

What Dentists Want You to Know About Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is fear that is almost as prevalent as the fear of snakes or the fear of heights. About four percent of American adults face the problem. The fear is so strong that there are people who avoid going to the dentist at all costs. But doing so can be very harmful to their oral health. Many people keep asking and canceling appointments even if the problem is serious.

A Closer Look at Dental Anxiety

There is a different way through which dentists deal with the issue. The key is to communicate your fears with them. Let them know what is on your mind and how you feel about this entire situation. Some people fear the pain while others who have a powerful gag reflex, which gets worse due to anxiety while the dentists do their job.

Professionals administer local anesthesia for people who are afraid of the pain. But the truth is that it is just one page of the book because some people are afraid of the entire experience. From the invasion of space to needles going inside their mouth along with all the weird sounds and smell, the experience becomes overwhelming for the patient.

Most Dental professionals recognize the seriousness of this problem and can come up with ways and strategies with you so you can have a relatively comfortable experience. Choosing the right dentist is obviously very important for the whole procedure to go smoothly. Talk to people around you and make a list of dentists, who you think will suit your needs. You can even go for consultations to make the right decision. Ask questions and talk about your concerns, see how the dentist responds to them. Is it their priority to put you in comfort or are they just looking at a set of teeth?

When you find the right dentist for you, and they know about your concerns, they will suggest different ways of helping you get the most comfortable experience. Other than administering local anesthesia they will probably suggest cognitive behavior therapy. It is a branch of psychology that allows you to control your thought when in a situation that evokes stress. Since you are facing dental anxiety, they will begin by preparing you for the procedure. Their priority will be to make sure nothing comes as a surprise to you.

First, they will talk about the entire process and then stress on things that might induce anxiety, such as needles. They will begin by talking about them, then showing pictures of them and later the dentists may even poke the gums with the syringe, with the cap on it. The process has defined steps that are designed to help you control your emotions around your fears slowly.

The dentists will talk about the different tools and how they will use them to make sure about your preparation. They may even sedate you if the process requires it. Most dentists will make sure that the procedure goes smoothly. Remember to talk about your concerns with the dentists and that canceling appointments will only make things worse.


For more information or to schedule an appointment with Schommer Dental, request an appointment in our Davenport dental office here: Or call us at (563) 272-2331.

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